Upon receiving your EMV device, you will find the following items:
To get started, you must first figure out where your device will be located. The location must have an AC outlet and a wired network access in the form of either an additional unused Ethernet cable connected to your network or a nearby network switch with an open port. Your 8500i EMV device is not wireless and must be plugged into your network. You may need to have an electrician or network specialist assist you with expanding your network if you do not have a wired network located at the optimal location for the device.
Assemble the power cable
Insert the power cable into the power supply.
Plug one end into a wall socket, ideally protected with a surge protector.
Connect the Communication Cable
Locate the communication cable. It will have two female jacks on one end and a plug with a screw on the other end.
One end of the power cable goes to the wall socket. The other end goes into the round female jack on the communication cable. Plug this end of the power cable into the communication cable by aligning the tabs at the top and bottom, inserting the connector, then twisting 90 degrees to lock it into place.
Connect the Ethernet Cable
Plug either your own or the supplied Ethernet cable into an open port on your network, then the other end into your communication cable.
The Ethernet jack is the square jack located right next to where you plugged in the power cable in the last step.
Connect the Terminal
The other end of the communication cable has a screw. This is the end of the cable that connects to the underside of the EMV terminal. The special plug is springloaded.
First, connect and secure the top part of the plug.
Next, push down and snap in the back of the plug.
Once the cable is properly seated, tighten the set screw located on the end of the communication cable. Be careful not to overtighten the screw.
If the steps have been completed correctly, the terminal will power up. You can now place the terminal at its new location!
Related: FAQs about EMV
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any assistance.